Supply Chain Contacts

If you require specific information, please contact us or email:

Supply Chain Organization Contacts

David Furr, Vice President, Supply Chain

Ross Thompson, Senior Director, Supply Chain Operations Support

Darren Kirkpatrick, Senior Director, Supply Chain Management Office

Clem Sanusi, Director, PMC Commercial Support

Ettienne Stassen, (Acting) Director, MCR Commercial Support

Supply Chain Operations Support

Ross Thompson, Senior Director, Supply Chain Operations Support

Dave Batte, (Acting) Director, Warehouse & Logistics  

Jordan Tidd, (Acting) Department Manager, BA OPs Support

Wes Johnsen, Department Manager, BB OPs Support

Jeff Holland, Director, Inventory Management & Services

PMC and Project Controls

Clem Sanusi, Director, PMC Commercial Support

Shane Gallant, PMC Commercial Support

Lori Trowbridge, PMC Strategic Projects

MCR Commercial Support

Ettienne Stassen, (Acting) Director, MCR Commercial Support

Leanne Roberts, Lead, MCR Commercial

Lisa Keown, MCR Materials

Mohammad Javed, (Acting) MCR Commercial Manager

Supply Chain Management Office

Darren Kirkpatrick, Senior Director, Supply Chain Management Office

Liam Moore, Director, Supplier Management Office

David Porcellato, Director, Strategic Sourcing Office

Mustafa Mundh, Director, CMO

Bruce Power Supplier Commercial Lead Contacts

ATS – Dave Porcellato – 519-361-2673 x24259
BCI – Louie Pepe – 519-361-2673 x19467
Brotech – Louie Pepe – 519-361-2673 x19467
BWXT – Tara Crawford – 519-386-6597
Cameco – Louie Pepe – 519-361-2673 x19467
Day & Zimmermann Canada – Melissa Perala – 226-930-0879
ES Fox – Melissa Perala – 226-930-0879
Framatome – Melissa Perala – 226-930-0879
GE/Alstom – Lori Trowbridge, 226-930-1139
Kinectrics – Tara Crawford – 519-386-6597
Niagara Energy – Louie Pepe – 519-361-2673 x19467
NuTech – Louie Pepe – 519-361-2673 x19467
SGRT (AREVA/SGT/Aecon/United Engineers & Constructors) – Leanne Roberts – 519-361-2673 x13202
Shoreline (Aecon/United Engineers & Constructors/SNC) – Leanne Roberts – 519-361-2673 x13202
Siemens – Lori Trowbridge, 226-930-1139
SNC-Lavalin- Tara Crawford – 519-386-6597
Tetra Tech – Grant Ross – 519-361-2673 x14484n

Business Division Commercial SPOCs

Communications, EPS, BPMS Executive, Law and
Supply Chain, IT, Software, Business Services, Continuous Improvement/GOAL, Finance, Maintenance and Performance Improvement and Quality Services 
Engineering, COS Operations
COS Materials
Outage & EPD Contracts and Radiation Protection
PMC and Project Controls
Commercial Management Office