Medical Isotopes: their importance and emerging opportunities to transform health care
September 23, 2020
9:00 a.m.Presented by Bruce Power's Medical Isotope Advisory Council
Medical isotopes provide a pathway for health-care professionals to improve lives through targeted imaging and therapy that will deliver a specific medical diagnosis and treatment to an individual. They provide the foundation to advance research for improved drug discovery and development.
Listen to a panel of experts and medical professionals as they discuss emerging trends, treatments and solutions for a range of global health challenges using medical isotopes.

Honourable Bill Walker
Associate Minister of Energy
MPP Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound

Mike Rencheck
President and CEO
Bruce Power

James Scongack
EVP, Corporate Affairs and Operational Services
Bruce Power

Doug Boreham
Professor and Division Head of Medical Sciences
Northern Ontario School of Medicine

Dr. Amit Singnurkar
Molecular Imaging Specialist, Oncology & Cardiology
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre

Dr. Rebecca Wong
Staff Radiation Oncologist
Princess Margaret Hospital/UHN