Bruce Power donates over $2 million every year to community charities and non-profit organizations
We are proud to deliver clean, reliable, nuclear power to families and businesses across Ontario and cancer-fighting medical isotopes across the globe. But we can’t do it alone. We rely on the support and commitment of the surrounding communities and everyone that lives here. We have the privilege to contribute to the community and encourage our partners to do the same.
We give back and lift up. Help and cheer on. The intention is always the same – to support the great work that is being done to improve lives, protect the environment, celebrate culture, encourage education and build healthy communities in the Saugeen Ojibway Nation Territory and Bruce, Grey and Huron counties.
Apply for Funding
Bruce Power has an active Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Program consisting of a number of key elements, including the Community Investment Fund, the Environment and Sustainability Fund, Indigenous Community Investment Fund, and scholarships.

Community Investment Fund
Bruce Power believes in being an active community partner and sets a priority to fund projects that operate and/or benefit the communities in the vicinity of our operations. Learn more

Environment and Sustainability Fund
Bruce Power seeks opportunities to partner on projects and initiatives related to environmental conservation and restoration; energy efficiency and carbon emission reduction; climate change mitigation; and environmental education, awareness and research. Learn more

Indigenous Community Investment Fund
Bruce Power seeks opportunities to partner with local Indigenous Communities on initiatives and projects related to youth development, culture, health and wellness, sports and recreation, education, STEM and environment. Learn more

Bruce Power supports the leaders of tomorrow through educational scholarships. Learn more