Bruce Power strives to make Ontario a cleaner, greener place to live
We take very seriously our responsibility to provide clean energy, especially at such a pivotal time for our climate not, only here in Ontario, but across Canada and around the world. We have a duty to ensure our decision-making process incorporates environmental, social, cultural and economic systems, and that we allow future generations to meet their needs. We are committed to minimizing our environmental footprint, and have adopted applicable best industry standards and requirements of ISO 14001 as a framework for achieving continual improvement and sustainable performance excellence.
In the words of the United Nations, “Climate change is the defining issue of our time and we are at a defining moment….Without drastic action today, adapting to these impacts in the future will be more difficult and costly”. For Bruce Power, taking drastic action means staying true to our core values, working with all of our stakeholders and partners, and embracing innovation to find new ways for nuclear energy to combat climate change moving forward.
Nuclear provides a clean base source of electricity
Numerous studies show the life-cycle emissions from nuclear energy are comparable to other non-emitting sources of electricity like wind, solar and hydro power.
We value all of the conveniences that electricity brings to us. We also value the benefits of clean air. That’s why nuclear fits in with the next generation of electricity sources.
Bruce Power adheres to strict environmental regulations
Bruce Power is regulated by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC), an organization that is recognized as one of the best nuclear regulators in the world. The CNSC places strict limits on nuclear plants’ radiological emissions. It is designed to protect the people and the environment from manmade radiation that results from the use of nuclear energy and materials.
Just like safety, environmental stewardship is central to Bruce Power’s daily operations. We are committed to meeting or exceeding the standards of environmental performance set by our regulators. We remain committed to preserving the environment by continually assessing the implications our day-to-day actions have on the land, water and air that surround us.
Bruce Power’s Environment & Sustainability department is focused on providing this clean energy to meet current and future electricity needs without compromising quality of life for future generations. We care about people and the planet, while generating carbon-free electricity for over 30 per cent of Ontarians.
For years we have had highly motivated individuals doing various acts of sustainability without really ever giving them a label, but rather just doing them because it was the right thing to do. This internal employee motivation is what led to the formation of – and our commitment to – developing and delivering on a Corporate Sustainability Strategy. With the intention of using the philosophy of ‘Crawl, walk, run…’ the Environment and Sustainability Team, which was formed in 2013, will focus on identifying further opportunities in the area of waste reduction and energy savings.
Bruce Power's Environmental Policies
Bruce Power recognizes the direct and indirect impacts and dependence on our surrounding natural environment through our daily operations and supply chain. It is both our responsibility as corporate citizens and essential to our business that we act as a steward of the environment, and we take action to mitigate the impacts of our operations on biodiversity and to support initiatives that protect and enhance natural habitats and ecosystems.
Our Biodiversity Policy, an extension of our Environment & Sustainability Policy, outlines a commitment to the protection of biodiversity on and off site through actions and initiatives that preserve and enhance natural habitats and ecosystems.
Our Carbon Offset & Credit Policy demonstrates our commitment to pursuing carbon offsets and CECs that are real, measurable and demonstrate long-term environmental benefits.
This Green Bond Report covers the reporting period of the second quarter of 2023 through the first quarter of 2024. The report includes information on new issuances during the reporting period and information on the allocation and impact of all green bond proceeds through the first quarter 2024.
The purpose of this report is to fulfill regulatory requirements on environmental protection in accordance with Condition 3.3 of the Bruce A and B Power Reactor Operating Licence [R-1] and Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission Regulatory Document REGDOC-3.1.1 Reporting Requirements for Nuclear Power Plants [R-2].
Coffee Cup Elimination
In 2019, Bruce Power committed to finding a compostable option for coffee cups, and in doing so the company transitioned its existing coffee service within the main corporate building on site to a new service that allowed for the use of compostable cups, and an even greater discount for people bringing in their own reusable mugs. The move resulted in the company no longer sending 700,000 coffee cups to landfill annually.
Styrofoam Densifier
In 2018, Bruce Power helped fund a Styrofoam Densification pilot program with the Municipality of Brockton and Plastics Association Canada. We had a keen interest in finding a solution to avoid sending Styrofoam to our on-site landfill. So when we were approached by the municipality to help pay for the $22,000 densification machine, we jumped at the opportunity.
The machine, which densifies polystyrene into long bricks, was shipped in from Denmark and takes up the floor space of a washer or dryer. Polystyrene and Styrofoam materials are dropped into the machine, shredded and then compacted into heavy, long rectangular bricks that can be resold and reused.
At full operation, the densifier will increase recycling diversion of polystyrene by up to 90 per cent, reducing demand on landfill space.
Bruce Power recently announced the formal creation of the Environmental and Sustainability Fund, which will see about $400,000 per year dedicated to a number of environmental projects and partnerships mainly within the Grey, Bruce and Huron, and a few beyond.
This fund aims to advance initiatives that focus on conservation, restoration and education projects. Bruce Power has built a number of strong partnerships that work toward common goals and this fund will ensure continued funding so those goals are realized.
Bruce Power Environment and Sustainability Fund Facts and Figures:
150,923 trees planted in partnership with Pine River Watershed, SauGREEN, Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority, Huron Stewardship Council and Penetangore Watershed Group since 2012
Sixty-two per cent of the funding for the Lake Huron Centre for Coastal Conservation’s Coast Watchers program comes from Bruce Power
60 kilometres of beaches/shoreline monitored for information on wind, waves, pollution and biological factors through Citizen Science Programs
46 schools funded to take part in education in the lifecycle of fish through our partnership with the Lake Huron Fishing Club