Visitors’ Centre

Over 15,000 people visit us annually to learn more about safe, reliable and carbon-free nuclear energy and cancer-fighting medical isotopes.

The Visitors’ Centre, which offers interactive displays and informative exhibits for all ages in a picturesque setting over-looking Lake Huron, is open year-round, Monday-Friday, from 9 a.m.-4 p.m., and seven days a week in July and August.

Note: The Centre is closed on all statutory holidays.

The Summer Bus Tour Program will resume in June, so check back in the spring to register!

If you are interested in bringing your class or organization to the Visitors’ Centre for a presentation, please email or call 519-361-7777. 

We encourage you to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedInYouTube and TikTok for more.

Bus Tours
People at the Visitors' Centre

Visitors’ Centre

The Visitors’ Centre is open to the public Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. year round. In July and August, the Centre is also open Saturdays and Sundays from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Centre is closed for statutory and year-end holidays. It features free Wifi and two free Electric Vehicle charging stations.

Kids during March Break

March Break Program

Each year, Bruce Power hosts a March Break Program at the Visitors’ Centre. 

Bus Tours

Bus Tours

Bruce Power is pleased to provide visitors with narrated bus tours of our 2,300-acre site in the months of June, July and August. In June, tours are offered daily, Monday to Friday, at 1 p.m., to guests who pre-register using our third-party booking site. In July and August, we move to three tours a day (11 a.m., and 1 and 2 p.m.), seven days a week (except statutory holidays). Pre-registering is strongly recommended for all of our tours to secure your seat.

People looking at an exhibit

The Exhibit Hall

The Exhibit Hall features a variety of interactive exhibits and displays. Visitors can try their skills as a nuclear fuel operator on replica control room panels. Another exhibit lets guests take control of a console to select different generation sources – wind, solar, biomass, coal, natural gas, and nuclear – to power an imaginary city.

People on a bus tour

Field Trips and Group Visits

The Visitors’ Centre is an ideal field trip destination for elementary, secondary and post-secondary school groups and educators. Presentations are tailored around Ontario’s school curriculum. Bruce Power outlines its operations and provides an introduction to the CANDU nuclear system. A presentation that summarizes the science behind electricity and different forms of energy production in Ontario can also be arranged.

Discover Energized Environmental Resources (DEER)

Bruce Power, in partnership with the Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority, is pleased to offer a wide variety of environmental and conservation awareness programs to area schools.

The DEER programs are free – with busing provided – to schools served by the Bluewater District School Board and the Bruce Grey Catholic District School Board. The programs run throughout the school year from September to June. Educators from the Bluewater District School Board and the Bruce Grey Catholic District School Board can book their classes into the DEER program by contacting Nancy Griffin at Saugeen Conservation at 519-367-3040 extension 237 or

Learn more about the 2020 DEER Program:

No Results Found
DEER - Discover Energized Environmental Resources

Visit us

3394 Bruce County Rd. 20, in the Municipality of Kincardine.

Located five minutes west of Hwy. 21, and just north of Tiverton, ON.

For more information, please call 519-361-7777 or email

Before visiting Bruce Power in the winter, please check the local weather. We are located in an area that receives a lot of snow and driving can be hazardous.