
Video Upload Policy

I agree that I will only upload approved content that is classified as Internal Use or Public as per BP-PROC-00110, Information Handling, and that I will not upload content that would violate Bruce Power’s Code of Conduct, or that may … Read more

COVID-19 Information Updates

Powering Ontario Through COVID-19 During these challenging times, Bruce Power continues to focus on preventative measures to protect employee and public safety from COVID-19, while ensuring we continue to safely and reliably provide 30% of the province’s electricity. Bruce Power … Read more

COVID-19 Information Updates

At Bruce Power, #SafetyFirst is something we expect our employees and everyone doing work on our site to keep top of mind every day. Our number one priority is to make sure every person that comes to work at our … Read more

Supplier COVID-19 Communication

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Estimated MCR Nuclear Waste Volumes

Estimate as of 4 March 2024 The below chart is the estimated nuclear waste volumes by unit as part of Bruce Power’s Major Component Replacement Project, which began in Unit 6 on January 17, 2020. To learn more, visit Unit … Read more

Code of Conduct

At Bruce Power our values guide our conduct, decision-making and relationships both on site and in our community. The Supplier Code of Conduct outlines our expectations of the Suppliers and Contractors with whom we conduct business. We require our Suppliers … Read more

Small Modular Reactors

Bruce Power is meeting the challenges of climate change and global energy demand through progressive technology. While our CANDU reactors continue to produce affordable, clean electricity, the development of small modular reactors (SMRs) is among the innovative initiatives in our … Read more

More about MCR

Preparing for MCR Bruce Power has built facilities on site and in the community to prepare for the MCR Project. Located in Kincardine, the 129,000-square-foot MCR Training Facility is home to approximately 330 office workers and 150 tradespeople. The building … Read more

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