Bruce C Project – Early Engagement Survey

Bruce C Project – Early Engagement Survey

This is the beginning of planning the future of the Bruce Power site. Although no decision has been made to advance with a new nuclear facility, the Bruce C Impact Assessment will be used as an early engagement and planning tool for potential nuclear expansion and is the first step in a multi-year process, to provide options to the province in long-term electricity system planning.

Bruce Power is committed to proactive, open and transparent engagement with Indigenous Nations and Communities, local municipalities and the public and will provide multiple opportunities for input, both in-person and virtually.

By participating in this survey, you are helping to inform how we organize and deliver engagement activities throughout the process.

Bruce C Project – Early Engagement

How do you want to learn about the proposed Bruce C project?
What topics are you most interested in learning more about?
How do you want to give us your feedback?

The following questions are optional. We’re interested in collecting anonymous demographic information to ensure representation from a diverse group of people and ensure that our engagement sessions and outreach are relevant to the intended audience.

Which category below includes your age?
What is your gender?
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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